"I had come into marriage with quite a bit of heavy baggage that had never been dealt with. I assumed that time would heal all wounds. But "time" just left me feeling unhappy, worthless, hostile, and undeserving. Since meeting with Glenn, I have been set free from my past, my compulsive behaviors, and from hating myself. In fact, when I look in the mirror, I really love the person I see. The change in me has been real and drastic! Without Glenn's help, I can almost guarantee we would have been heading for divorce. Instead, we are now enjoying marriage as God intended! Some of Glenn's greatest gifts and talents are compassion, understanding, wisdom, and clarity. We are unendingly grateful that he was able to share them with us." - EC
"Today we are celebrating our 10th anniversary! This past week we reflected a lot on these past 10 years. Although we've enjoyed many blessings we've also faced our share of real hardships. There were times when neither of us thought we'd make it this long. But today we are easily the happiest we've ever been. And the simple reason for this is God's amazing grace! He has used our trials to show us His perfect love for us and in the process we've not only grown more deeply in love with each other, but more importantly, more deeply in love with Him. Glenn helped us understand the power of forgiveness, the importance of self sacrifice, and the joy that comes with real intimacy. We are so grateful for him! Glenn was a shoulder to cry on, a voice of wisdom and direction, and a huge encouragement to our souls. God is doing incredible work through him!" - MS and BS
"I cannot say enough good things about my time in counseling with Glenn. The person who walked into his office was broken, guarded and angry. With his support and guidance, I learned to listen to and identify my feelings and needs, communicate better, strive for a more balanced life and take emotional risks. He really came alongside me and was exceptionally patient and understanding. One of his greatest talents is his knowing when to ask the tough questions and when to be gentle. Overall, counseling was hard work but very rewarding. The person who walked out of his office was very different! I am eternally grateful for having worked with Glenn and highly recommend him." - JK
"After several decades in an unhealthy marriage, I reached the point where I knew I couldn't continue. God led me to Glenn, who for six months, gently encouraged me to recognize the reality of my situation. I had been brought up to believe that divorce was not an option. As I described my marriage to Glenn he opened my eyes to the reality that I was in an abusive relationship. Eventually I make the heart-wrenching decision to get a divorce. I have not regretted the decision, and have experienced a tremendous sense of relief. Because of my spouse's control issues it's been a very difficult divorce, but I am convinced that God sent me to Glenn because He knew I needed his guidance and wisdom when I was feeling lost." - ER